Hiring a crypto marketing agency vs in-house CMO: Pros & cons

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, effective crypto marketing is essential. Hiring a crypto marketing agency vs CMO is a critical decision that can significantly impact your project’s success. With new crypto ventures launching daily, standing out in a crowded marketplace is more challenging than ever. Let’s explore the pros and cons of hiring a crypto marketing agency versus bringing on an in-house Chief Marketing Officer to determine the best fit for your company’s needs.

The importance of crypto marketing services

Effective crypto marketing services are not just about promotion; they’re about building trust, educating your audience, and strengthening a community around your project. According to a HubSpot report, companies allocate about 11% of their total budget to marketing, highlighting its importance in driving growth and success.

Challenges in crypto marketing

  • Going through complex regulations is essential to avoid legal pitfalls.
  • Simplifying intricate blockchain concepts for a wider audience is crucial.
  • The fluctuating nature of crypto markets requires adaptable crypto marketing strategies.
  • Standing out among numerous projects is increasingly challenging.
Given these challenges, choosing between hiring a crypto marketing agency vs CMO becomes even more significant.

Industry trends in crypto marketing

There has been a recent shift among marketing professionals from agencies to in-house roles. A study by PRWeek revealed that 69% of junior and mid-level marketers are seeking in-house positions, compared to just 11% looking for agency work. This trend is often due to the perception of better salaries, bonuses, and benefits offered by larger firms.

Hiring an in-house CMO for your crypto marketing needs

An in-house CMO becomes an integral part of your company, aligning crypto marketing strategies closely with your business goals.

Roles and responsibilities of an in-house CMO

  • Crafting long-term crypto marketing plans that support growth.
  • Building and managing a dedicated crypto marketing team.
  • Establishing and maintaining a consistent brand image.
  • Monitoring trends to capitalize on opportunities.
  • Managing marketing budgets for optimal ROI.

Pros of hiring an in-house CMO for crypto marketing services

1. Deep company integration in crypto marketing

An in-house Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is fully embedded within your company, allowing them to understand your values, culture, and strategic objectives deeply. This integration ensures that all crypto marketing services are aligned with your company’s mission and vision.

Example: An in-house CMO can collaborate closely with the product development team to ensure that crypto marketing campaigns accurately reflect new features or updates.

2. Dedicated focus on your crypto marketing strategy

An in-house CMO is solely focused on your company’s success in the crypto market. They are available for impromptu meetings, can quickly address issues as they arise, and are deeply invested in your long-term goals.

3. Direct communication enhances crypto marketing efforts

Proximity facilitates real-time communication, reducing delays and misunderstandings. This immediacy is crucial in the fast-paced crypto industry, where timely responses can capitalize on market trends and improve your crypto marketing effectiveness.

4. Team building and leadership in crypto marketing

An in-house CMO can build a cohesive crypto marketing team that shares a common vision. This unity can lead to higher morale, better collaboration, and more effective execution of your crypto marketing services.

Cons of hiring an in-house CMO for crypto marketing

1. Higher costs of in-house crypto marketing expertise

Hiring a CMO is a significant financial commitment. According to industry data, the average salary for a CMO in the tech industry can exceed $200,000 annually, excluding benefits and bonuses. Additionally, establishing an in-house crypto marketing department involves costs for recruitment, training, software, and office space.

2. Limited expertise in specialized crypto marketing services

While a CMO may have extensive marketing experience, they might not possess specialized skills in every area required for comprehensive crypto marketing services. Areas like blockchain PR, community management on platforms like Discord and Telegram, and influencer partnerships in the crypto space require niche expertise that may necessitate additional hiring or training.

3. Risk of tunnel vision in crypto marketing strategies

An in-house team might become insular, potentially missing out on innovative strategies and fresh ideas circulating in the broader industry. This can lead to stagnation and a failure to adapt to emerging trends in crypto marketing.

Hiring a crypto marketing agency for specialized Services

Crypto marketing agencies are firms that specialize in promoting blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. They offer a range of crypto marketing services designed to increase visibility, build community engagement, and drive adoption.

Services offered by crypto marketing agencies

  • Crafting compelling blog posts, whitepapers, and more.
  • Keeping your Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit buzzing.
  • Turning strangers into die-hard fans on Telegram and Discord.
  • Ensuring you appear when someone searches for “next big crypto project.”
  • Getting you featured in top-tier publications.
  • Connecting you with prominent crypto influencers.
  • Making sure your name is front and center at industry events.

Pros of hiring a crypto
marketing agency

1. Specialized expertise in crypto marketing services

Agencies that focus on crypto have a deep understanding of the industry’s nuances. They are familiar with regulatory considerations, know how to communicate complex technical concepts, and are adept at engaging the crypto community.

Example: A crypto marketing agency would know the best practices for launching an Initial DEX Offering (IDO) and how to promote it effectively.

2. Cost-effective crypto marketing solutions

Agencies offer flexible pricing models, such as project-based fees or monthly retainers, allowing you to manage costs effectively. You avoid the overhead associated with hiring full-time staff for crypto marketing services.

3. Access to a diverse skill set in crypto marketing

Agencies employ teams of specialists, including SEO experts, content writers, graphic designers, social media managers, and PR professionals. This diversity ensures that all aspects of your crypto marketing campaign are handled by experts.

4. Scalability of crypto marketing efforts

As your project grows, agencies can quickly scale their services to meet increased demand. Conversely, if you need to scale back, agencies can adjust their offerings accordingly, providing flexibility in your crypto marketing strategy.

5. Fresh perspectives on crypto marketing trends

Agencies work with multiple clients across the industry, giving them insights into emerging trends and innovative strategies. They can bring fresh ideas to your crypto marketing efforts.

Cons of hiring a crypto
marketing agency

1. Less control over your crypto marketing campaigns

Outsourcing means trusting an external party with your brand image. Misalignment in understanding your company’s vision can lead to crypto marketing that doesn’t fully reflect your values.

Example: An agency might use a tone or messaging style that doesn’t align with your brand, potentially alienating your audience.

2. Communication challenges in crypto marketing services

Working with an external team can lead to delays in communication, especially if there are time zone differences or language barriers. Regular meetings and updates are essential to keep everyone aligned in your crypto marketing strategy.

3. Variable quality among crypto marketing agencies

The crypto space has seen the rise of many agencies, some of which may not have the necessary experience or expertise. It’s crucial to conduct thorough due diligence before partnering with a crypto marketing agency.

4. Shared attention from crypto marketing agencies

Agencies manage multiple clients simultaneously. Your project might not always be the top priority, potentially leading to slower response times or less personalized attention in your crypto marketing efforts.

Comparative analysis: hiring a crypto marketing agency vs in-house CMO

Cost comparison in crypto marketing

  • In-house CMO: The total cost includes salary, benefits, bonuses, and overhead expenses for the crypto marketing department. This investment can be justified if the CMO significantly contributes to revenue growth.
  • Crypto marketing agency: Costs are more predictable and can be adjusted based on the scope of work. However, long-term reliance on an agency may add up over time.

Expertise and specialization in crypto marketing services

  • In-house CMO: May have broad marketing knowledge but might need to hire specialists or invest in training to cover all areas of crypto marketing.
  • Crypto marketing agency: Offers immediate access to a team of specialists without the need for additional hiring or training.

Flexibility and scalability in crypto marketing strategies

  • In-house CMO: Scaling up requires time and resources to hire additional staff. Scaling down may involve layoffs or reallocating staff.
  • Crypto marketing agency: Can quickly adjust the level of service to match your needs, providing flexibility during periods of growth or contraction.

Control and communication in crypto marketing efforts

  • In-house CMO: Direct oversight allows for immediate adjustments and ensures that the crypto marketing strategy aligns closely with company goals.
  • Crypto marketing agency: Requires clear communication and defined expectations to ensure alignment. Regular updates and meetings are crucial.

Innovation and trend adaptation in crypto marketing

  • In-house CMO: May need to invest time in research and professional development to stay current with crypto marketing trends.
  • Crypto marketing agency: Constantly exposed to new trends and technologies due to their work with various clients and attendance at industry events.

Factors to consider when choosing between a crypto marketing agency and in-house CMO

1. Company size and stage in the crypto market

  • May benefit from the agility and expertise of a crypto marketing agency, especially when resources are limited.
  • Might prefer the control and long-term strategic planning that an in-house CMO offers for their crypto marketing services.

2. Budget constraints for crypto marketing

Evaluate the total cost of each option, considering both short-term expenses and long-term investments in crypto marketing.

3. Marketing goals in the crypto industry

  • If your goals require specialized skills and rapid deployment, a crypto marketing agency might be the better choice.
  • For strategic alignment and brand consistency, an in-house CMO may be preferable for your crypto marketing strategy.

4. Time to market in crypto marketing campaigns

  • Crypto marketing agency: Can deploy campaigns quickly due to their existing resources.
  • In-house CMO: Hiring and onboarding can take months, delaying your crypto marketing efforts.

5. Control preferences in crypto marketing activities

Consider how much oversight you need over crypto marketing activities. An in-house team provides more direct control.

6. Cultural fit in your crypto marketing team

An in-house CMO is part of your company culture, while an agency is external. Decide which dynamic works best for your crypto marketing services.

7. Risk tolerance in crypto marketing investments

  • In-house CMO: A long-term commitment with higher risk if the individual doesn’t perform as expected in crypto marketing.
  • Crypto marketing agency: Can be engaged on a trial basis with less long-term commitment.

The hybrid approach: combining in-house CMO and crypto marketing agency

Some companies opt for a hybrid approach, combining the strengths of both options. An in-house CMO provides strategic direction and oversight, while a crypto marketing agency handles specialized tasks and execution of crypto marketing services.

Benefits of a hybrid approach in crypto marketing

  • The CMO ensures that all crypto marketing activities align with the company’s vision.
  • The agency brings specialized skills and industry knowledge to your crypto marketing efforts.
  • Combines the control of in-house management with the scalability of a crypto marketing agency.

Considerations for the hybrid crypto marketing model

  • Requires clear communication and collaboration between the CMO and the crypto marketing agency.
  • Involves the costs of both an in-house executive and agency fees for crypto marketing services.

Conclusion: making the right choice for your crypto marketing needs

The decision between hiring a crypto marketing agency and an in-house CMO is multifaceted, involving considerations of cost, expertise, control, and strategic alignment. An in-house CMO offers deep integration with your company and dedicated focus but comes with higher costs and potential limitations in specialized expertise. A crypto marketing agency provides specialized skills, cost-effectiveness, and scalability but may lack the immediate control and cultural integration of an internal executive.

Assess your company’s specific needs, resources, and goals. Consider factors such as the stage of your business, budget constraints, marketing objectives, and the importance of control and cultural fit. Remember that the best solution might not be one or the other but a combination of both.

By carefully evaluating the pros and cons and considering a hybrid approach, you can develop a crypto marketing strategy that leverages the strengths of both an in-house CMO and a crypto marketing agency. This strategic decision can position your company for success in the competitive and ever-changing crypto landscape.

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Chief Happiness Officer & Supervisor

8+ years of experience

Feja is the Chief Happiness Officer & Supervisor of LKI Consulting whose main job is to bring happiness to our team and Clients.

Feja is a mix-breed rescue from “LESE” animal shelter, and she is one of the crucial team members of LKI Consulting. 

At LKI Consulting she is responsible for supervising the whole team, asking for pets, and offering her unique perspective which usually ends in a game of ‘no-take, only throw’.

Alexandra Murha

Operations Coordinator

1+ year of experience

Alexandra Murha is the Operations Coordinator of LKI Consulting who ensures operations processes in the Agency run smoothly. 

Currently, Alexandra assists the LKI Consulting team members with the management of daily operational activities, performing administrative tasks, and coordinating weekly communications with Clients. 

At LKI Consulting, she is responsible for managing Marketing Associates, conducting research, and providing operational support across multiple Client initiatives.



Digital Strategist

8+ years of experience

Milda Vilkaitis is the Digital Strategist of LKI Consulting specializing in the digital marketing industry with an organic focus. 

Currently, Milda disrupted the traditional SEO approach, and offered startups or established businesses custom-tailored experience that delivers long-term results. 

At LKI Consulting she is responsible for helping businesses gain authority, and visibility, obtain a stronger market position in their industry, and ultimately generate new quality leads through the power of SEO (ASO included).

Akvile Mikalauskaite

Graphic designer

10+ years of experience

Akvile Mikalauskaite is the Art Director of LKI Consulting.

During the last 10 years, she directed 150+ design projects focusing on Fintech, Tech, and Web3 Clients, helping them with visual representation. 

Akvile is the creative soul behind the greatest brand books that LKI Consulting has created.

Viktorija Domarkaite

Creative Project Manager, 

10+ years of experience

Viktorija Domarkaite is a Creative Projects Manager of LKI Consulting. For the last 10+ years, she has managed the visual representation of B2B and B2C clients from 15 countries. 

Currently, Viktorija has 300+ projects in her portfolio with specialization on Fintech, Crypto, and Advertising segments. 

At LKI Consulting, she is responsible for turning our Client’s creative ideas into both functional and aesthetic web, UX/UI, graphic, and motion design aligned with the brand.

Maryna Barysheva


5+ years of experience

Maryna Barysheva is a COO of LKI Consulting specializing in deep tech, layer 1, Defi, and SaaS. 

After working with blockchain projects from 15+ countries and managing marketing for Interactio – a 100-M valued B2B tech startup – she knows what it takes to develop a winning external communications, brand awareness, and global GTM strategy.

Maryna also frequently makes appearances on international panel discussions and delivers keynotes on the latest marketing trends. Apart from her public speaking engagements, she mentors young startup entrepreneurs on business development, operations, and growth.

Sarunas Papinigis


15+ years of experience

Sarunas Papinigis is a partner of LKI Consulting who focuses on fintech and investment companies. He is responsible for developing marketing and communication strategies, market survey and data analytics. 

During the last 10 years, he created and developed customer loyalty programs ranging between 1-20M members for top retail chains in Asia and Europe and generating 2-10% sales and profit uplift.

In previous 15 years, he worked in various sales positions in Coca-Cola, Nestle, Unilever and GSK while building the sales distribution from scratch.

Laura K. Inamedinova

Founder & CEO

8+ years of experience

Laura K. Inamedinova is a Founder & CEO of LKI Consulting who takes no bullshit attitude to business. Thanks to her exquisite data-driven strategies and fresh outlook on the Web3 space, she helped her Clients grow x10 and raise over $1B.

A former contributor of Forbes and Huffington Post, she has been recognized internationally among Top 10 Women Entrepreneur by Entrepreneur Magazine, HuffPost acclaimed PR expert, Top 10 Women in International Business by SiliconValleyTimes. 

Inamedinova is the voice of over 129 conferences in 17+ countries around the globe.